NSBO Operational Guidelines
Approved – September 2017
Amended – September 2024
Article 1 – Name of the Association
The name of this Association shall be The Nova Scotia Basketball Officials’ herein referred to as NSBO.
Article 2- Objectives of NSBO
The objectives of NSBO are:
- To foster, promote, encourage and develop basketball officiating throughout the province.
- To further develop basketball throughout Nova Scotia by the standardization of rule interpretations and mechanics.
- To be responsible for the certification and selection of qualified officials throughout Nova Scotia for provincial and national assignments.
- To maintain a roster of qualified officials to meet the expected demand of our clients.
- To develop basketball throughout the province by promoting the recruitment of new officials; and, improving officiating through a program of education and evaluation.
- To work in close cooperation with provincial basketball partners.
- To establish officiating standards and a code of conduct for its members.
Article 3 – Powers and Duties of the Core Executive
- The Core Executive has the powers of NSBO.
- The powers and duties of the Core Executive include:
- a) promoting the objectives of NSBO;
- b) promoting membership in NSBO;
- c) setting the membership dues for NSBO;
- d) preparing an operating budget for the examination and approval of the membership;
- e) making policies for managing and operating NSBO;
- f) maintaining the financial and other records and correspondence of NSBO;
- g) maintaining a register of the membership and communicate this register to Basketball Nova Scotia, CBOC and other organizations, as required;
- h) communicating the affairs of NSBO to the membership;
- i) participating in various Standing Committees;
- j) liaising with various partners (i.e. CBOC, etc.).
Article 4 – Core Executive /Provincial Council
- The Core Executive consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Provincial Supervisor, Interpreter, Provincial Assessor and Member at Large.
- The Provincial Council governs NSBO. The Council is comprised of President, Vice President, Provincial Supervisor, Provincial Interpreter, Secretary-Treasurer, Provincial Assessor, AUS Commissioner, ACAA Commissioner, Member at Large and all Area Supervisors. Each Executive position carries one vote; however, each Executive member only carries one vote regardless of the number of positions they occupy on the Provincial Council.
Article 5 – Executive Positions
- People in executive positions are obligated to attend NSBO executive meetings. Failure to attend two consecutive executive meetings may result in removal from the executive position. If an elected position becomes vacant, the Core Executive shall appoint an NSBO member to that position on an interim. An election or by-election shall take place at the next NSBO AGM.
- There are no term limits for the executive positions. To be elected, a candidate must secure a plurality of votes cast. Voting shall be by secret ballot. An NSBO member cannot occupy two Core Executive positions at the same time.
- The executive positions are grouped into sections that will be elected in offsetting years, as follows:
- a) Group One – two-year term voted on in years of odd numbers
Provincial Interpreter
- b) Group Two – two-year term voted on in years of even numbers
Provincial Supervisor
Provincial Assessor
Members at Large
- c) Group Three- three-year term appointed by Core Executive of NSBO following review of applicants:
AUS/ACAA Commissioner(s)
(Review Committee suggested the selection of this position be approved by the membership).
- d) Group Four – two-year term voted on in years of even numbers, elected in local area elections and confirmed at each Fall meeting:
Area Supervisors
- e) Group Five – three year term, will be announced every three years following election in respective local area starting at the Fall Meeting, 2016. These elections will be held again in 2016, 2019, 2022, 2025, 2028 etc.
Area Assignors
Article 6 – Rates and Expenses
Rates and expenses to be charged by NSBO shall be set at an annual or special meeting called for that purpose. A meeting shall accept or reject a report of the game fees and expenses by the Rates Committee. All officials will pay a 10% assignor fee for games worked in each Area.
Article 7 – Membership in NSBO
- Full voting membership to NSBO may be granted to persons who have fulfilled all the following criteria:
- a) complete an NSBO approved certification course;
- b) written an approved NSBO basketball officials’ rule exam;
- c) paid in full the registration fees associated with membership in NSBO
- d) are of good character and reflect in a positive manner on the entire membership of
- Once these criteria have been fulfilled and confirmed in writing, the secretary-treasurer of NSBO will record the membership of this person and list them as a full member of NSBO.
- Membership on NSBO shall cease upon:
- a) A member failing to renew annual membership
- b) The death of an individual member
- c) Receipt of notice in writing to NSBO in which the individual resigns their membership
- d) Disciplinary action by NSBO whereby the penalty imposed is removal from the membership. This removal may or may not be permanent as dictated by the disciplinary action imposed. See Article 10 below (Revocation of Membership)
NOTE: Definition of “good character” and “reflect the NSBO in a positive manner” will include (but not limited to): adherence to the NSBO Officials’ Code of Conduct, professional use at all times of social media and personal communication, positive relationships with stakeholders, behave in a manner consistent with generally accepted community values. NSBO members shall be able to provide a clear vulnerable sector security check if/when requested.
NOTE – A member in good standing is any member who has fully paid their NSBO dues, has no outstanding discipline sanction ongoing from NSBO, Basketball NS, CBOC or any other association recognized by NSBO. Non-payment of membership dues or assigning fees will result in automatic termination of membership in NSBO.
Article 8 – Associate Membership
Associate membership may be granted to individuals or associations who wish to be informed and kept up to date on the activities of NSBO. Associate members will be included on mailing lists and have access to NSBO meetings, however are not permitted to address council or vote on issues at any session of the general membership or executive meetings.
Article 9 – Member for Life
Membership for life may be granted by the executive at the Fall AGM of NSBO to officials for meritorious service. Life members may or may not be active in officiating. These individuals will have all rights and privileges of regular NSBO members, however, are exempt from NSBO registration fees for life. Any recipient of the Ted Early Award shall be deemed to be a member for life.
Article 10 – Revocation of Membership
The executive of NSBO may revoke membership of any member with a special motion at an NSBO executive meeting. The length of time a membership may be revoked is to be detailed in the motion (the longest period being life). The decision may only be brought to the general meeting when the executive votes a three-quarter majority at an executive meeting.
Article 11 – Membership Dues
- Members are required to pay (in full) dues to NSBO each year. These dues are payable by the date designated by the respective Area Supervisor. Members who have not paid their dues (in full) by this date shall not be assigned games by NSBO Assignors. Area Supervisors must submit all membership dues to the Secretary-Treasurer by date designated by the Executive. CBOC’s annual membership dues must be forwarded by their designated date.
- Portions of the dues are paid to Basketball Nova Scotia and CBOC for membership in those organizations. The balance goes towards paying operation costs of NSBO (i.e. clinicians, evaluations, honorariums, awards, professional development, etc.).
- Basketball Nova Scotia provides administrative support and operational grants to NSBO.
Article 12 – General Meetings of NSBO
- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of NSBO will be held on a date set by the Core Executive, with every effort given to hold the meeting on a Sunday in September. Notice of the meeting will be both sent to Area Supervisors via email and posted on the NSBO website no less than 30 days before the meeting’s selected date. The AGM will be hosted at a location in the Metro area (selected by the Core Executive) and will allow for online attendance via a 3rd party application (approved by the Core Executive).
- NSBO Core Executive shall meet at least twice annually.
- Each Area Supervisor will provide a written or oral report outlining the activities of their respective activities for the fiscal year.
- The President or Core Executive member shall chair all meetings.
Article 13 – Executive Meetings of NSBO
Executive meetings of NSBO may be held if required on the same weekend as the general meetings. The executive meetings precede the general meeting. Other executive meetings of NSBO can be called by the president or by another executive member with the written support of five other executive members. If the member submits this documentation to the president, an executive meeting MUST be called and held within 15 working days.
Article 14 – Special Meetings of NSBO
A special meeting of the general membership of NSBO may be called under exceptional circumstances. The executive must vote a three quarter majority to call such a special meeting. This vote may be conducted and verified by the Secretary-Treasurer. Special meetings of NSBO will be located in a venue decided by a committee of the President, Vice President and Provincial Supervisor, in a centralized location.
Article 15 – Agenda Items of NSBO Meetings
The agenda of the NSBO general and executive meetings will be as follows:
- Call to order
- Approval of additions to the agenda
- Approval of minutes from previous meeting
- Correspondence
- Elections
- CBOC Update
- Provincial Reports
- Work Plan
- New business
- Awards
- AUS/ACAA business
- Adjournment
Article 16 – Rules of Order
All NSBO meetings will be conducted according to the Robert’s Rules of Order with the chair being held by the President unless the President recognizes another chairperson.
Article 17 – Quorum
A Quorum at any executive meeting shall consist of 50 per cent of the voting executive members. There are no quorum restrictions at general meetings.
Article 18- Election of NSBO Officers
- 60 days prior to the AGM, the Secretary send out which positions are up for election, their roles and duties, and will call for nominations and their platforms. This phase shall last 30 days to allow for members considerations and submit nominations and platforms to the Secretary.
- One month prior to the AGM, the Secretary will submit to the membership all nominations and their respective platforms for each position listed above. At this time the Secretary will give notice of the AGM location and time.
- At the AGM all elections will be held via secret ballot, the new executive will thereby be accepted into the record for the request term.
Article 18A – Voting
- All voting will be completed via secret ballot. In the event of distance (ie online) voting; a 3rd party voting application will be used for all members not at the location; which will then be added to any in-person votes to be tabulated by the Chair.
- A voting member will be defined as a member in good standing, and one who has entered the meeting up until 15 minutes after the official start time of the AGM. No member may carry more than one vote. Members who leave and rejoin the meeting will be approved to maintain their voting rights.
- Voting by proxy will only be permitted to members who have joined the meeting via phone call. Such members’ votes will be emailed or direct messaged to the Chair (or their appointed representative) within the voting period. The Chair will then confirm the vote and submit it for tabulation.
- The Chair will abstain from the vote unless the vote affects the result.
Article 19 – Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year of the NSBO shall run from September 1st – August 31st.
Article 20 – Committees
- The Core Executive shall establish committees as necessary for the operation of NSBO and shall have the power to make temporary regulations, which are not governed by these by-laws, subject to the following:
- the Chairperson of the committee shall be a member in good standing of NSBO;
- the Chairperson may appoint any person suitable to the Core Executive to the committee he/she is chairing;
– the committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson at such time and place shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
Article 21 – Standing Committees
Standing Committees are as follows:
- AUS/ACAA Selection Committee – Provincial Supervisor (Chairperson), AUS Commissioner, ACAA Commissioner, Provincial Assessor and Provincial Interpreter
- National Nomination/Selection Committee – Provincial Supervisor (Chairperson), AUS Commissioner, ACAA Commissioner, Provincial Assessor, Secretary-Treasurer and Member at Large. The committee shall consist of up to six people and should an official wish to be considered for assignment must preclude themselves from the process for that tournament. The President will appoint a replacement. The committee will identify and submit names of potential candidates to COBC (Canadian Basketball Officials’ Commission) for their consideration for national appointments. The committee will also identify NSBO candidates for FIBA Certification.
- NSSAF Tournament Selection Committee – Provincial Assessor (Chairperson), Provincial Interpreter, Provincial Supervisor
- Disciplinary Committee: NSBO Vice President (Chairperson), Member at Large, Secretary-Treasurer and one other Area Supervisor appointed by Chair
- Rates Committee – Provincial Supervisor (Chairperson), Vice-President and Member at Large
- Awards Committee – Provincial Supervisor (Chairperson), President, Secretary- Treasurer and Member at Large
- Audit and Budget Committee – Secretary-Treasurer (Chairperson), President, Vice- President, Provincial Interpreter, Provincial Assessor and Member-at-Large
- Professional Development Committee – Secretary-Treasurer (Chairperson), President and Member at Large
- Education and Interpretations Committee – Provincial Interpreter (Chairperson), Provincial Assessor and Member at Large
NOTE: Appeal process for all Standing Committees will be managed by the President.
An Appeals Committee will not be a Standing Committee. It will only be activated when required. Depending on the nature of the appeal, we reserve the right to add a representative from BNS as well as an Area Supervisor to assist the President in the decision-making process.
Article 22 – Dress Regulations
NSBO members are required to wear the following uniform when officiating games in Nova Scotia:
- black footwear
- black socks
- black pants
- black belt (if worn)
- NSBO approved basketball official’s shirt
- black whistle lanyard
- black whistle (exceptions are permitted for special events (i.e. cancer – pink whistle))
- approved NSBO black jacket
- wrist watches or jewelry of any kind may never be wornNSBO members are required to conform to NSBO dress regulations when officiating in any NSBO sanctioned games. The Area Supervisor may use discretion with the requirements for attire of new officials.
Article 23 – Certification
All members are subject to and governed by the National Officials Certification Program. Officials will be given a certification level based initially on their local and regional performance and subsequently on their performance/evaluations at provincial championships or designated games.
Article 24 – Financial
- Budget – The Secretary-Treasurer will present a proposed budget at the Annual General Meeting for the upcoming financial year.
- Reporting – The Secretary-Treasurer must present a report to the executive at each of the scheduled executive meetings regarding the association budget and financial dealings.
- Banking – The Secretary-Treasurer will open, on behalf of NSBO, an account to transact NSBO business. There shall be three signing authorities on all NSBO accounts including the Secretary-Treasurer, President and one NSBO member selected at the discretion of the Secretary-Treasurer. Disbursements shall be approved by at least two of the signing officers and paid out by the Secretary-Treasurer.
Article 25 – Areas
- Each area shall be responsible for electing an Area Supervisor and Area Assignor. NSBO has divided the province into the following 10 areas:
- Cumberland
- Colchester
- Highland
- Strait
- Cape Breton
- Metro
- Valley East
- Valley West
- South Shore
- Yarmouth
- Any changes to these areas must be submitted to the Core Executive 15 days prior to an AGM for review and receive a 2/3 majority vote at an AGM for approval.
Article 26 – Affiliations
The NSBO is affiliated with the Canadian Basketball Officials Commission (CBOC), the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation (NSSAF), Basketball Nova Scotia (BNS), Atlantic University Sport (AUS) and the Atlantic Collegiate Athletic Association (ACAA). NSBO works cooperatively with these partners in accordance with mutually agreed to terms and conditions.
Article 27 – Amending the Operational Guidelines
Any amendments to this Operational Guideline shall be circulated at least 15 calendar days in advance and require majority vote support at a duly constituted Annual General Meeting to succeed.
Article 28 – Rules and Regulations
- The NSBO Core Executive has the authority to make rules and regulations concerning the governance of NSBO provided such rules are within the intent of the Operational Guidelines. These rules and regulations may be introduced and/or changed at any of the NSBO executive or general membership meetings, and require a majority vote.
The appendices attached to this Operational Guidelines are the working rules and regulations of NSBO. They shall be considered binding on all members. The rules and regulations of NSBO may be amended by a majority of the Core Executive subject to ratification at the next General Meeting.