• Does​​ the​​ official have good knowledge of​​ the​​ rules?​​ 

  • Presence and Demeanour​​ – appearance? Fitness level? Ability to run court? Calm and controlled demeanour throughout?​​ ​​ Strong whistle? Proper mechanics and signals?

  • Dead ball efficiency- is the official​​ efficient during dead ball periods? During the foul call process, does official tell​​ the​​ story at point of foul? Does official have efficient pace through the foul administrative process?

  • Call Quality– is​​ the​​ call worthy of a foul-​​ does​​ the​​ official have patience to see​​ the​​ play start/develop/finish when making decisions-​​ does official consider advantage/disadvantage-​​ no​​ phantom calls-​​ consistency at both ends?

  • Does official use “freedom of movement”​​ philosophy in decision making?​​ Rhythm/Speed/Balance/Quickness (RSBQ)

  • Game Control– does​​ the​​ official control players​​ and benches? Game clock? Shot clock? ​​ Minor officials’ table?​​ 

  • Does the crew show​​ the correct​​ initial​​ positioning?​​ 

  • Does the Lead get to​​ the​​ baseline​​ early​​ to accept play?​​ 

  • Does​​ the​​ Trail​​ follow​​ the​​ play up court 6’- 8’ behind play looking for spaces between players? ​​ Does​​ the​​ Trail​​ move according to needs of each play? ​​ Does​​ the​​ new Trail, after a score, stay on end line until ball comes in​​ the​​ court?

  • Does each official​​ take care of their own primary, whether on ball or off ball?​​ Are calls coming from the official that has OA(open angle)

  • Do​​ the​​ officials use​​ preventative officiating​​ skills-Voice​​ tone must be effective?

  • Does the official use the​​ cross​​ step?

  • Does the official understand the​​ new​​ travel rule?

  • Does​​ the​​ official​​ demonstrate proper positioning during​​ press​​ coverage?

  • Does the official show leadership\communication​​ skills on​​ the​​ court?

  • Does the official call the​​ wrecks​​ and the​​ block/charge​​ correctly?

  • Does the crew work together​​ consistently?

  • Does the game have a happy ending?