Three Crew Floor Mechanics-2019
Calling fouls – we want correct call coming from correct official. Officials must look after primary when they have OA (Open Angle). When making a call in partner’s PCA (Primary Coverage Area), official must use secondary CADENCE whistle. That is – “c’mon Partner” or “1000-1“ before you make the call. This allows primary official the opportunity to have first whistle on the play. In this way, often the secondary cadence whistle will not be necessary.
Keep in mind the 3 B’s when calling out of primary- Be Late (cadence whistle); Be Correct; Be Needed (should be a call of significance)
Open (OA) and Closed (CA) Angles – In all positions, get to open angle(OA) and use cross step to avoid closed angles(CA)- do not be satisfied with CA. When you have CA, you must Position Adjust (PA) to get the OA- that is the best look. PA should be no more than 2 steps from CA to OA. If you happen to have CA, you are not making the call -- Fear the Closed Look!
“If ball goes away, stay away – or give it away”- closed angle(CA).
Limited movement and PA make us look focused; limit movements to those with a purpose; too much movement looks like we are wandering. Decision making improves when official is stationary!
Individual Officiating Techniques -IOTS
Problem Areas
1. Both Elbows
2. C side drives that finish at weak side block- Trail must stay attached or engaged as he/she may have best OA
Movement at C position – basically, only 2 times (below) C is stepping down; otherwise, cross step will be up to get/maintain OA
Curl play originating from Post on strong side coming to middle.
Elbow jump shots
Transfer of perimeter coverage between T and C- always pre game this concept with partners; but generally, ball responsibility is transferred from T to C as it crosses extended lane line on C side. Divide the court in thirds, not halves. Communication between T and C is non verbal.
Reporting foul to table- at upper levels, we are being instructed to take a brisk walk from spot of foul to report area - if your feet are moving, your lips are not and visa versa. Walk straight line to report area, clear the 3 point line; if players are in the way, walk another straight line to a good spot, and report with feet still. When you report a foul; always make sure it is the same every time: COLOUR, NUMBER, INFRACTION and CONSEQUENCE: example: “BLUE, 6, PUSH, 2 SHOTS”. You want a good voice and the same cadence with your voice every time. When you report with your hands, “break the window” - snap the numbers and infractions and consequence signals in front of you .Hustle when you have to go long.
***Lead Rotation(ROT) Rule – court is split into 3 sections; once in Close Down (CD) when ball goes to middle section, ROT when ball settles on weak side(WSR) and is not immediately followed by shot, pass , or drive to basket – this simplifies when to rotate. Do not officiate from close down.
Running court from Trail to Lead – if ball transitions on weak side, Lead goes directly to Close Down(CD); all others times we are going to Set Up, not the 3 point line. We want new Lead getting to baseline as ball crosses mid court line- basic of Lead position.
As Lead, we need to Cross Step when ball drives baseline on your side- ball goes to basket, you cross step toward sideline- this is also consistent with fundamental of backing toward sideline on all shots/ drives to basket. As lead, turn 45 degrees into your primary.
Trail in Transition – 6 feet behind ball handler, looking for OA, but also being able to look up court- same pace as dribbler also observing benches and clocks. Step down on shots.
FIBA - accepts whistle and hand motion to bench or benches with verbal “down” when appropriate- do this for GC(Game Control)
Mechanics in last minute/final seconds of close contest- there are no mechanics during this period- the correct call can come from anyone regardless of positioning. Game comes first- stay engaged to the play first; mechanics second!
“The game can survive when we have NCI’s (No Call Incorrect). The game cannot survive when we have CI’s (Call Incorrect).”
Shooting Plays-on every catch-and-shoot play, determine the pivot foot or see the feet of the offensive player (most missed travels are on catch and drive); then move eyes to defenders hips, hands and shoulders. Players are so long now - your eyes have to go to the hands to see point of contact. Once the shooter begins the shooting motion, scan the offense from the floor to the top of their shot, and back down (with head movement from the official). See them land safely, and then go to the rebounding action
Communication News
Tell the story at spot of the foul - FIBA is emphasizing using the voice at the spot of the foul by announcing the colour, number & penalty. If the penalty is out of bounds officials do not point to a spot but rather in the direction the ball is going to be going.
Warnings should be communicated verbally such that all the stakeholders of the game including officials are aware that a warning has been given.
Avoid using 'thumbs up' or 'point at official' to communicate when ready for throw in. Promote a professional look by using the proper mechanics ie. palm open hand comes down along with eye contact with partners to indicate readiness to resume.
They talked a lot about FIBA using the term 'edge of play' now especially as it pertains to L positioning along the baseline. This is essentially the same thing as the term 'mirroring the ball' as L. As well they used the terms 'check in'/'check out' for accepting the play into your PCA and letting it go as the ball leaves. Preferred the term 'pivot' or 'gather' over the use of '0 step'. '0 step' is not in the rulebook and would like to avoid communicating in this way to coaches/players to explain travels/non travels. ie. "gather, 1, 2" or "pivot, 1, 2". Promoting common language of terms nationally.