September 23, 2018 – Executive Meeting Minutes



Matt Boyle, Reg Caulfield, Roger Caulfield, Al King, Reg Jewkes, Paul Hanson, Chris Holland, Clifford Tye, Neil Deveau, Jeff Nodding, Blair Cooper, Greg Parsons, Lucien Gerrior, Duane Starratt


  1. Opening Remarks by President
    2. Area Supervisors Reports
    3.  CABO Update (Reg Caulfield)
    4.  NSBO Annual Plan / Initiatives 2017-18 (Reg Caulfield)
    5.  New Objectives for Upcoming Year (Reg Caulfield)
    6.  New FIBA Rules / Points of Emphasis / Clinic Dates / Exams (Roger Caulfield)
    7.  AUS / ACAA Panel (Roger Caulfield and Reg Jewkes)
    8.  Registration and Dues (Paul Hanson)
    9.  Website (Paul Hanson)
    10.  Discipline (Al King)
    11.  High Performance Officials (Roger Caulfield)
    12.  NSSAF Provincials (Reg Jewkes)
    13.  BNS MOU Agreement (Chris Holland)
    14.  Other Business

Matt welcomed all in attendance and outlined some of the highlights from the past year.  He also thanked everyone for their volunteer work.

Area Reports

– Greg Parsons – Metro
– Outlined a couple of discipline reports.  Talked a lot about the need for more professionalism.  It was mentioned by Chris Holland how important it is to document all issues so that the correct office can deal with concerns.

– Roger Caulfield – Valley East
– Talked about the need to continue to try to get new members.  Also, pay attention to the work plan and send information to Reggie Caulfield as ideas occur.

– Blair Cooper – Valley West
– Talked about the area getting a few new members each year but also losing a few members each year.  Recruitment continues to be an issue in Valley West.  Blair also asked who assigns the BNS tournaments?  BNS is to contact the local Area Supervisor and not the coaches directly.  There will be follow up with BNS on this practice.

– Neil Deveau – Yarmouth
– Neil asked the question about how much the assignor fee was?  Reg Caulfield reminded all in attendance that provincial rate is set at 10% assignor fee.  This rate is to be paid to the assignor for the work they do in assigning games for an area.  He will place this information in the Operational Guidelines under “Article 6” as well as the Rules and Regulations under “Assigning of Games”.

– Duane Starratt – Cumberland
– The Executive welcomed the new Area Supervisor for Cumberland.  Duane commented on the opportunity to move officials to other areas to work games.  Cumberland would also like to see more development opportunities for officials.

Other Areas were given the opportunity to submit written reports for their Areas.  Matt closed this section by talking about some of the Area policies that have been created in Halifax and that Halifax is willing to share them with other Areas in the province.

CABO Update

Reg Caulfield talked about some of the happenings within CABO.  For those interested, the CABO Report will be uploaded to the NSBO website.

New FIBA Rules / Clinics / Exams

Clinic dates have been assigned to all Areas.  Members will be notified by their Area Supervisor when their clinic is happening.  Roger outlined how the clinics would work.  The clinics will last a minimum of 2 hours and will provide members with a rules/mechanics update as well as a time for questions.  He commented on last year’s exam – 8-9 questions were not done well and he will review the questions at the clinics.

It was asked by some of the Executive if the dates could be advertised on NSSAF and BNS websites in case some coaches wanted to attend as well.

Roger closed his discussion on commenting on the website – a wealth of information and members should visit it often.

NSBO Annual Plan

Reg Caulfield outlined the Annual Plan.  It is on the website and forms the basis of AGM minutes from the past.

New Objectives for 2018-2019

Reg outlined the new objectives for the upcoming season – available on the website for viewing.  Discussion was held about objective 6 – Advancement of Female officials in the province.  It was suggested exploring the possibility of creating an executive position designated for a female member.  This was tabled until the Core Executive Meeting to be held in June 2019.


Roger recognized Jeff Nodding and Duane Starratt who are both new to the Panel this year.  He also mentioned the formation of an auxiliary panel list.  He also mentioned that fitness continues to be an issue with Panel officials.  He ended by asking all Area Supervisors to look in their Area to see if there are officials who are looking to advance.

Reg Jewkes commented on an issue that has arisen in the ACAA where assignments continue to change because Panel members are dropping ACAA games to take another level of game (mostly NBL).  Paul Hanson commented that if officials are forced to keep their ACAA assignment, he fears more Panel officials will ask not to work ACAA games.  Matt spoke that it is the job of the AUS and ACAA Commissioners to run their office and decide how they want to handle this concern.  More information will follow at the Core Executive meeting in June 2019.

Registration and Dues

Paul commented that it is still an issue to get Area Supervisors to submit the registration and money on time.  The delay also makes it difficult for him to supply this information to CABO.  Paul will work on creating a Form to collect the information from the Areas.  A report will follow in June 2019.

Dues will continue the same for the upcoming year – $45 for new members under 30 games and $85 for all other members.  An increase may be needed in the future to allow for more development opportunities.


The re designed website has been a welcome addition and the information on the website is very extensive.  We are hoping all members will visit the site regularly.

High Performance Officials

Roger talked about the list of High Performance officials in the province.  The goal is to give these officials the opportunity to advance through the certification system quicker.


Chris Holland outlined that an agreement was being created to have a closer relationship between BNS and NSBO.  More information would follow at the Core Executive Meeting in June 2019.

Other Business

Reg talked about Awards and that they would be updated and listed on the website.  Its is also being investigated the possibility of having a Long Term Service pin created.


A short break before the AGM that was due to start at 11:30am.