AGM – September 23, 2018

Mount Saint Vincent University


The AGM was called to order by Matt Boyle at 11:35am.  An attendance list was circulated for those to sign who were in attendance.  The following Agenda was presented:

AGM Agenda – Sept 23, 2018

  1. Call to Order / Opening Remarks by President / Introduction of Executive
    2. Approval of Additions to the Agenda
    3.  Approval of minutes from previous meeting
    4.  Correspondence
    – Kevin Fraser
    – Judy Smith
    5.  Elections
    – Vice President
    – Provincial Supervisor
    – Provincial Assessor
    – Member at Large
    6.  National Reports
    – CABO Report
    – NSBO Submission
    7.  Provincial Reports
    – Area Reports
    – Financial Report / Budget
    – Annual Plan (approval of rates, new objectives)
    8.  Old Business
    – Work Plan – BNS Alignment
    9.  Matters arising from Minutes
    10.  New Business
    – Operational Guidelines Amendments
    – New FIBA Rules / Clinics / Exams
    – CBOC – Brent Stocker
    – High Performance Officials
    – Website
    – Provincial Interpreter Election Process
    11.  Awards / Recognition
    12.  AUS / ACAA Business
    13.  Adjournment



Opening Remarks

Matt welcomed all in attendance and thanked those who came out to the AGM and also the work of the Executive.  He mentioned that the minutes of the Executive Meeting as well as the AGM minutes would be placed on the website.  He also mentioned the importance of the NSBO website –  There is a wealth of information on the website.  On behalf of NSBO, Matt congratulated Chris Holland on coaching his U15 BNS team to a Gold Medal at the Summer Nationals.  There was a moment of silence for long term member, Kevin Fraser who passed away during the past year.


Additions to the Agenda

Peter Phipps asked to add the “Provincial Interpreter Election Process” to the agenda.  It was added under New Business.


Approval of Minutes

It was talked about how previous meeting minutes were not on the website.  The Secretary/Treasurer said the process would be to have a page created on the website and the minutes from Executive Meetings and AGM would be posted to the website.
Reg Caulfield spoke to the Work Plans and basically the info in the work plans made up the minutes in the past.



Reg Caulfield wanted to talk about two items from correspondence…He commented on the death of Kevin Fraser.  It was nice to see so many NSBO members attend his funeral.  Kevin was awarded the Wink Willox Award posthumously at the CABO meeting in September.

Judy Smith is retiring from DALAC.  NSBO will be presenting her with a plaque at a future DALAC game to honor her many years as Athletic Director and for the close working relationship she had with NSBO.



Vice President – Al King by acclamation

Provincial Supervisor – Reg Caulfield by acclamation

Provincial Assessor – Reg Jewkes by acclamation

Member At Large – Previously held by Chris Holland and he re-offered for another term.  Peter Phipps nominated Mitchel Brown and it was seconded by Blair Cooper.  Both were given the opportunity to speak.  The result was Chris Holland.  A motion by Neil Deveau and seconded by Greg Parsons to destroy the ballots…motion passes.

National Reports

CABO Report – Reg Caulfield outlined the current structure of CABO.  His full report can be found on the NSBO website.

NSBO Report – Reg Caulfield notified everyone this report was placed on the website for all to view.

Matt Boyle closed this section by talking about the CBOC trying to get all provinces on the same page in terms of mechanics and rule interpretations.


Provincial Reports

It was mentioned that Areas that wished to submit a report, it would be posted on the website.  The following Areas spoke briefly on topics from their Area:

Halifax – Greg Parsons talked how membership was up to around 150 members for Halifax.  He also thanked Steve Oliver for a job well done as the head of the evaluation committee and all the hard work he has done with evaluations from the past season.  Professionalism continues to be a very important issue amongst the officials.  Finally, Fan/Coach behavior continues to be an issue and needs to be addressed…looking for direction from the Provincial body.

Yarmouth – Neil Deveau mentioned that his Area Clinic was to be held on Nov. 11.  Recruitment continues to be an issue in the Yarmouth Area.

Highland – Four new members will be added for the upcoming season.  Retention is an issue in the Highland region.

Colchester – More games are needed for this Area.  This past year, junior high decided to become intramurals which meant no officials were used.

Cumberland – Talked about evaluations and that more were needed in the Area.

Matt closed discussion by talking about retention and the need to share information provincially so that Areas would know when members are moving throughout the province.

Nicole Weisner spoke about volunteering to create an evaluation program in Valley East.  She will follow up with the local Area.

A question was also asked about Referee/Coach Training (CBOC) – direction will be coming in the future.


Financial Report

The budget for the 2018-2019 season was presented and passed by the membership – moved by Mitchell Brown and seconded by Neil Deveau.  It was noted in the budget that Revenue was depended upon the number of registered officials.  As numbers decline provincially, revenue also declines.  It was also discussed the idea of having one single fee across the province.  That way new officials would pay full rate but also receive 100% game fee.  More discussion would occur at the Executive Meeting in the Spring and a report would be discussed at the Fall AGM 2019.

Annual Plan

The NSBO Work Plan has been posted on the website.  Mitchell Brown made a motion to accept the rates for 2018-2019.  It was seconded by Clifford Tye…Motion passed.

Discussion – Some post motion questions were asked by members in attendance.  Ryan Lutes asked “What happens if the acceptance of rates motion gets defeated?”  Reg Caulfield said he takes the direction from the membership and if that situation arose…he would then go back to further negotiate with the clients.  Paul DeBelie asked “What about special events or games that aren’t covered in the rates sheet?”  Reg commented that in those situations, the local Area would dictate the rate structure for the event.


Old Business

Work Plan – BNS Alignment – this was placed on hold because of the change of the Executive Director position at BNS.  Talks would be established at a later date.


New Business

Operational Guidelines Amendments – Greg Parsons handed out to those in attendance changes to NSBO Operational Guidelines…they mostly dealt with language around officials not being able to work non-assigned games.  Greg made a motion to have these changes adopted.  Seconded by Mitchell Brown.  Discussion – “What is the intent of the changes?”  Greg answered that this provides clearer language around people not being able to referee non-assigned games.  Discussion closed and motion passed.

Provincial Interpreter Election Process – Peter Phipps spoke about how the process for voting on the Provincial Interpreter Position wasn’t defined.  Lots of discussion followed…It was determined there is a communication shortage from Area Supervisors to their membership.  Moving forward the information about positions up for election will be more clearly stated on the website.  Area Supervisors will encourage their members to check the website regularly.  Peter closed the discussion.  Peter made a motion to have an election for a 1-year term for the Provincial Interpreter.  The motion was withdrawn once it was determined it couldn’t continue because it goes against the process – clearly outlined in our Organizational Guidelines.

New FIBA Rules / Clinics / Exam – Clinic dates have been assigned to all Areas.  Some of the new FIBA rules need Interpretation from our National Evaluator.  They are trying to keep provinces updated with information from the CBOC.  On a provincial level – bench decorum is noted for the coming year.  Roger mentioned to the different Areas to be looking for any high performance officials to add to the list.  The new list of High Performance officials will be finalized and shared with the province.



Reg Caulfield noted awards won by NSBO members.  See the updated Awards Page on the NSBO website.


AUS / ACAA Business

It was noted that schedules would be coming out soon.  Roger and Reg talked about emphasis on Rules, Bench Decorum.  Also, as the Panel starts to lose members, new ones will need to be added.  Reg Jewkes also noted that an award would be presented to Judy Smith at DALAC in an upcoming game for her retirement.



Moved by Chris Holland and seconded by Clifford Tye that the AGM be adjourned at 1:14pm.  Motion passed.  AGM for 2019 will be held in September – exact date will be announced later in the summer.