NSBO Work Plan
Objectives for 2017/18 Season
Action by |
Status |
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| Provincial Interpreter
Completed | Ten regional clinics were held across the province. All the new rules were accepted with the exception of the leggings and sleeves by BNS and NSSAF. These modifications will be addressed for next year’s play 2018-19.
All clinics included CBOC’s National Points of Emphasis:
The new 2017 FIBA Official Rules were considered Points of Emphasis when educating officials. Particularly, travelling, unsportsmanlike fouls, faking a foul and uniforms/undergarment rule.
All educational material was shared with Area Supervisors in preparation for their respective clinics. All information can be accessed on NSBO’s website. Provincial Interpreter will continue to stress the importance of addressing physical play as well as the freedom of movement.
Online Exams were completed in December 2017. Members who missed writing the exam will be given an opportunity to write the exam through their Area Supervisor. Final exam results will be shared by Paul Hanson with Area Supervisor.
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| High Performance Committee
Completed | High Performance Committee (Nick Morash, Matt Boyle, Roger Caulfield & Reg Jewkes) has revised the list of officials for 2017-18. Area Supervisors are to forward names of potential candidates in their area to Roger Caulfield.
Steven Clow Joe Harvey Mike Goble Jalen Spicer Brennan Curry Chandler Haliburton Tina Skeir Steph Hiltz Graham Carter Justin MacEachern Tyronne David Jake Babin Duane Starratt Cayne Amos
Individual development plans will be completed and mentors (coaches) assigned to each official listed above. |
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| Provincial Supervisor
Member at Large
BNS MOU is outstanding | Rates have been approved for the season. Rates for BNS remain the same (no increase).
BNS is requesting NSBO sign off on the MOU. On June 10th, 2018, the Executive reviewed the MOU with BNS’ Executive Director. The following are some of the issues discussed: insurance, dues, official abuse, inappropriate behavior of officials, collaboration, membership, etc. BNS’ legal personnel and NSBO Executive completed their review of the contract in August. Some amendments will need to be discussed once a new Executive Director is in place.
Nova Scotia selected 2 officials to the Men’s Championship and 3 to the Women’s Championship. Nova Scotia provided the A/E (Rob Anderson) for the Men’s Championship.
The Negotiation Committee agreed to a 3-year contract. Officials will receive an additional $10.00 increase for the first 2 years of the contract ($90.00) and an additional $5.00 in the third year ($95.00).
The CCAA contract has been signed-off and they have agreed to cover the costs of the Championships. MB and NFLD will also be considered. The selection process and allocation of officials has changed. Reg Jewkes coordinated the selection process.
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| Provincial Assessor
Completed | NSSAF has reduced their division from 4 to 3. Obviously, less officials will be required to officiate their championships. However, NSBO would like to see as many officials as possible officiate this Championship.
Eight officials worked Division I boys and girls using 3-person crew officiating. Six officials worked Divisions II and III. Three local officials worked each championship. All tournaments were well officiated however there were some issues related to the payment process which Reg will be addressing. | ||
| Area Supervisors
Camp is Full | The 2018 Caulfield Camp of Excellence will be held in July in conjunction with the Bluenose Classic Basketball Tournament. Last year’s camp was a huge success for officials, players and coaches. It included information sessions and offered officials an opportunity to work together and improve their 2-person and 3-person officiating skills. National, provincial evaluators and elite officials joined together to provide comprehensive evaluations to all campers.
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| President
Completed | A video was produced and shared with our membership via social media. Note: This video was produced without incurring any cost. Area Supervisors are to promote and share this video with as many local community members as possible.
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| Provincial Supervisor
Completed | All documents have been updated and added to the NSBO website. |
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| Commissioners
Completed | This initiative was discussed at our last panel meeting and Commissioners have shared information with officials as they receive more details regarding the selection and assignment process. The USports selection process will remain the same and CCAA will mirror the same process.
Note: Commissioners’ yearly performance evaluations have been completed by the Evaluation Committee.
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| AUS Commissioner
Completed | Document has been completed and shared with our partners (i.e. Athletic Directors, Coaches, etc.). |
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| ACAA Commissioner
Completed | Reg Jewkes created an evaluation form with input from Provincial Supervisor and Provincial Interpreter. This new form is being used with panel officials to enhance their performance and development.
| Provincial Supervisor
Completed | Our President has written to CABO regarding our current situation and requested comprehensive information on the benefits of NSBO remaining members of CABO. Provincial Supervisor shared the last CABO AGM minutes with our Core Executive/Executive/ Panel which offers information on the number of initiatives CABO/CBOC is currently undertaking. All information regarding CBOC will be shared with our members on an ongoing basis. We are currently exploring our options and no final decisions will be made without the full approval of our membership.
The Executive met on June 10th and reviewed all updates and communications received from CBOC. It was decided we would continue to meet all expectations but will be reviewing everything with a critical eye. Clearly, our membership is not fully knowledgeable of all initiatives being undertaken by CBOC. This was an agenda at our September AGM. Once the Executive Director of BNS assumes responsibility for the position, we will continue our discussions on alignment, commissions, etc.
| Secretary/Treasurer
Completed | Our Secretary Treasurer provided a detailed financial report to the Executive for review (in December). The Executive stressed the importance of having detailed invoices and recommended some changes. Paul Hanson provided a detailed review of the budget during our December conference call. At the June 10th Executive meeting, Paul provided a comprehensive budget for the 2017/18 season. It was also an agenda item at the NSBO September AGM. |
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Subject | Action by | Status |
Area Supervisors brought up the following concerns at our AGM | Area Supervisors
Completed |
Post Play Express (grass root initiative) | Provincial Interpreter Provincial Supervisor
| NSBO has submitted two write-ups for publication. Roger has submitted an article on “Guidelines to Coaches” and Reg has submitted an article on “Seeing officiating from different lenses (Adam Detienne)”.
National Tournaments
| Selection Committee Completed |
Paul Hanson, Matt Boyle
No Assignments
No Assignments
Justin Rocchi, Nicole Weisner
Stephanie Hiltz, Stephen Clow
Matt Goble
Note: There has been no changes to the system for the selection of officials to the summer nationals. As this is the entry point for most officials to the high performance stream, the selection process will be managed by our province.
Assignments for AUS & ACAA Championships | Selection Committee
Completed |
Paul Hanson, Matt Boyle
A/E Rob Anderson
Brent Stocker, Brian States, Ryan Lutes
A/E Jamey Jennings
Justin Rocchi, Nicole Weisner, Chris Ross, Adam Detienne, Ryan Brown, Darren Dahl
A/E Reg Jewkes |
Rates | Provincial Supervisor Completed | All rates were approved at the September AGM. Updated rates sheet was distributed to all Area Supervisors.
Rates for the new season will commence immediately.
Operational Guidelines Rules and Regulations of Operational Guidelines
| Provincial Interpreter Completed
| The newly approved documents have been posted on our NSBO website. In the event an amendment has to be made to either one of these documents, the proper procedures for amendments are clearly outlined in the documents.
New Process for CIS Selection | AUS Commissioner
Completed | Selection process for USport and CCAA will be managed by CBOC. There is no guarantee that each province will be represented at the championships as CBOC will only be selecting the best officials from across the country. The ACAA conference is guaranteed a minimum of 3 spots at the championships at Mount A. USport nominations were submitted by January 15th. Officials were identified by the Selection Committee.
CBOC requested all provinces provide a resume for all officials recommended for the championships. Reg Jewkes is now a member of the National Selection Committee. We were disappointed with the number of assignments received (especially with not receiving any assignments to the USports Women’s Championships).
FOX 40 whistles | President Completed | Our President was able to obtain Fox 40 whistles (for free) and has distributed same to our membership.
Nova Scotia officials selected to CBOC Committees | CBOC
Completed | The Executive chose Reg Jewkes as the successful candidate for the Development and Education Sub-committee. Reg will provide updates to the Executive on an ongoing basis.
CBOC selected Brent Stocker as a member of the CBOC/CABO National Education Training sessions. Brent will be attending training sessions in St. Catherines, Ontario (site of the 2018 FIBA Americas U-18 Men’s Championship), June 8-11, 2018. NSBO will need to decide how we are going to integrate this training with our current operation to ensure we meet national standards.
Updated: September 23, 2018